Friday, 1 April 2011

Question 4

Question 3

Question 2

Question 1

Cat Frequency - Captain Al Hubbard (Lyrics)


Cat Frequency – Captain Al Hubbard

He’s coming round, he’s coming round,
Captain Al Hubbard is coming round, Captain Al Hubbard is coming round,
Here he comes, here he comes,
Captain, Captain, Captain, Captain, Captain Al Hubbard here he comes,
Captain, Captain, change is gonna come,
Captain Al Hubbard is coming round,

Is coming round, is coming round,

Captain Al Hubbard is coming round,

Captain, Captain, Captain, Captain, Captain Al Hubbard is coming around,

Change is gonna come,
Change is gonna come,

Analysis of Lyrics

The lyrics to our music video were very bland; to some extent they didn’t help us. All though they connoted psychedelia sounds with the music however we were music focused on the sound of the track rather than the vocals.

All though we didn’t provide conventions of the vocals we did however try to link Captain Al Hubbard in our music video. This did prove some difficulties as we were restricted by equipment and budgeting. We did want to use Egyptian cotton clothing to represent Captain Al Hubbard in our video but problems with casting and finding someone who didn’t have young characteristics were difficult.

Instead what we did to tackle this issue was carry out a Mad Hatters Tea Party. Captain Al Hubbard travelled about opening peoples mind to psychedelia. What we’ve connoted with Al Hubbard in our video are the people that have been changed my Al Hubbard. It’s because of him people our aware of psychedelia.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Questionnaire for Audience Research

Questionnaire: Gender – male/female Age -

What genre do you think the video was aimed at?

What did you think of the music video?

Were there any images that caught your attention more than others?

Does this video encourage you to look at similar artists to Cat Frequency?

What did you find most enjoyable about the Music Video?

What did you find least enjoyable about the Music Video?

Where would you expect to find the Artist? Which magazines or TV shows etc.

Do you think the music video is suited for the Psychedelic genre?

Thanks for taking the time to fill in this questionnaire your answer is much appreciated 