Looking at this video it's a perfect example of how a simple an idea can be transformed into a video. The idea behind this music video relates to how adults are just like children. The video is based around the concept of two children fighting over a girl, "young love" if you like. But the concept of adults being children comes into play when they break up the fight and both end up falling for the sassy brunette which escalates to a fight between both friends.
Through out the video we see many close ups of the casts faces, this technique has aloud for people to see their emotions and a closer image of their faces. When the camera pans over the children they're represented as small, weak that adults are better than them.
At the end of the video it winds up with the parents both battered and bruised and their kids are looking down at them shaking their heads. This concept has put a twist to this story and it’s turned from a simple black n white story line to something far more complex but yet simple and well mastered.
This simple story line bolds well in the video. This for me has opened up new ideas and options to where I could film my video and just how I could maximise and exploit one location to its full potential.
"Processed Beats is the third fully released single from Kasabian. It was released in 2004 and gained a worthy place of #17 in the UK charts. This is your typical indie song that all those indie kids strive on. The first 5 seconds of the song lure you into thinking that this song will be slow tempo, however as soon as the sixth second dawns the ‘processed beats’ kick in and the bass begins to tease away at your eardrums. The loose strings of the typical Kasabian guitars settle in and Tom Meighan enters with his unique yet beautiful voice dazzling our indie kid senses all over again. Throughout the song inventive drum beats are added alongside some synth to add complexity into the song, yet Kasabian manage to draw it all back in to keep it clear cut and utterly brilliant." - Millie Simpson <3
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzEbYDcUtxE - link to music video (No Embed)