Monday, 1 November 2010

Analysis of the audiences

The Doors

Formed in 1965, The Doors were one of the most controversial bands in the 60’s; creating a new sub-genre to ‘rock’ and releasing their number one hit ‘light my fire’. The genius, poetic lyrics in the song were written by vocalist Jim Morrison, other members of the band were keyboardist Ray Manzarek, drummer John Densmore, and Guitarist Robby Krieger.

The doors attracted many people to their new twist on rock, bringing in new fans across America and globally. Their usual type of audience would be the sort of ‘hippy trippy’ kind of people, people who have a deep interest into psychedelia and were taking an interest in the ‘acid craze’. Jim Morrison interacted with his audience through the art of music and through his lyrics, people could relate to what he was saying although at the time their conscious was most likely altered through substances and just felt like they were making a connection to his songs such as ‘break on through to the other side’.

Morrision and The Doors performed many live gigs, from tours to clubs to big stage performance and would often jump in with the crowd starting train lines and getting the audience moving. He would speak out loud, making communication to the audience as a whole and in return they would be screaming back asking for more, more, more!

The Doors have been a big help with my planning as I really want to establish that connection with my target audience, I don’t want them to just watch the video but I want them to really think about what they are watching and we have stuck secluded messages throughout the video such as ‘you’re the future’ to achieve this kind of relationship.

This is one of The Doors album artwork, a performance shot. The artwork is very different to that of Black Moth Super Rainbow. To some extent it’s harder to define what sort of genre of music they are, however The Doors being such a recognisable band the majority of people know who they are which allows them to follow on a different album artwork.

As my music video doesn’t really have a band, it shows signs of band performance but together I could really bring a band shot to my album cover. However this artwork has provided me with ideas to how I could lay out my album cover and what sort of fonts to use to make it more appealing towards my audience.

One of their most recognisable tracks is ‘The End’ this song was also placed in the film ‘Apocalypse now’. ( The ideologies this present is in the song title ‘The End’. This song is more of a ‘come down’ song, the idea that every plan has to end or connoting with the film the idea war is over. The End has a wider counter-cultural stance than the other songs, its something that is recognising across the world. Apocalypse now promotes that recognition, appealing to a wider fan base.

The audience The Doors attract is less specific to other bands; it began with just local crowds that were interested in their genre of music. Young people who help create the revolution back in the day, the people that dared to experiment and try new substances. The doors have then spread on through word of mouth and television to bigger younger crowds. The Doors wasn’t always liked by the older generation of that time, they didn’t like the controversy they bought to the stage, their ‘attitude’. They were famous, rebellious and it was exactly what the younger generation of the era liked about them.

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