Monday, 20 September 2010

Explain what find your Tribes implies about the concept of identity in today’s world.

Explain what find your Tribes implies about the concept of identity in today’s world.

Youth Culture is always changing, throughout generations we have seen the youth slowly rebel, slowly become into their own unique person and new waves and revolutions such as the punk explosion have taken over.

Find your tribe is simply implying a certain concept of identity that each individual holds to their own. This identity underlying who they are and what ‘category’ they come under, e.g. mods and rockers. Some say that youth culture and trends have spiralled out of control to where we are changing social and cultural circumstances to mirror Britain’s youth.

Find your tribe is simply implying this concept of identity through a series of questions such as “what’s your favourite magazine” or “what TV shows do you watch” then from the answers you give it works out what tribe your part of. Testing out this site for myself, it said I was a mosher, so from the site there our some problems with it, but the concept of it is excellent.

Maffesoli said that “Today, social existence is conducted through fragmented tribal groupings, organized around the catchwords, brand-names and sound-bites of consumer culture”. Through this statement, Maffesoli is implying that people are what they are and who they are through the figure of speech they use, or the brands of clothes they put on, some people wear skinny jeans, others wear trackies. He also said “Modern tribes are not permanent groups, but shifting and always changing. Membership of these tribes is not permanent”. We’re in an age of where youth culture is constantly training, people are looking for the latest trends, music artists and are constantly back and forth in and out of new tribes, e.g. shifting.

The idea of Pick n’ mix is meaning that people have a choice. Although you are more likely to fall into a certain tribe through your background, how you’ve been bought up, raised and what sort of social friends you have. You still have the choice to decide what tribe you’d want to be in. The concept of Pick n mix is the idea you can be whoever you want but then change your mind and join another tribe. In away its freedom of choice.

This concept of identity differs from the modernist concept of identity as find your tribe finds out who you are instead of your beliefs and moral views. The modernist concept of identity is in away you receiving your identity through the background you come from maybe the social class has an impact on the tribes you fall into. Other ways people may receive their identity would just be through their parents and how the child is raised, they maybe raised with certain morals and rules that make the person who they are. The concept of identity find your tribe offers is more along the lines of trying to find out who you are, what you like, what films you like etc.

Tribes are always shifting and changing, some are stable and others are fixed. We choose who we want to be and others are forced into a category of tribes. We all have multiple identities some of which are fragmented into sub categories. This notion of pick n mix lets us choose who we want to be and yet gives us the option to change are mind, our identity is our own, we’re all individual and the concept of identity in today’s world is not necessarily decided through brand clothing and taste in music but more to the personality of the individual and who they are and their background.

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