Monday, 27 September 2010

Mood Board

Posted above is my mood board for my target audience, here I have identified everything my target audience enjoy and their values and morals. I have designed a spider-diagram to show the sort of music they would listen to and festivals they might enjoy going to.
To produce my music video I need to gain an understanding of my target audience so I can capture their attention and keep them glued to the screen. Target audience plays a vital role when producing a music video, I need to do my research so I know what to place into my video that they can relate to as well as enjoy.
My mood board is only a step into my target audience research I need to find out more background information so I can gather more ideas and concept that I can contribute towards my music video. Other methods of research I can do would be to carry out a questionnaire to gain an understanding of what my target audience like and find out more about their interests/hobbies. Websites such as ‘Find my Tribe’ can help me with this as their primary source of information would prove useful and the concept of the website has diverse my ideas into how I can research my target audience.

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